is substantial evidence to show that Joseph Smith was sealed to
the wives of other men. This occurred while the men were still legally
married to their wives. Sometimes these second marriages even occurred
outside the presence of their husbands. Many of the poor guys were
on their missions when Joseph Smith married their wives. The most
unfortunate men came back from their missions with their wives pregnant.
How would you feel if the Prophet asked you for your wife? How would
you feel if you came back from a business trip or a mission to find
your wife months into pregnancy?
I should not be leaving the female audience out of this debate.
How do you think the women felt about this? Their husbands were
away on missions, and Joseph, a "Prophet of God", desired to marry
them and have them for himself. What would your response be to this?
The question has now been asked of you, "Would you give your wife
to Joseph Smith or any Prophet?" What is your response?
If you said, "Yes", then you share the same answer that some men
gave to Joseph.
In this article we are going to be dealing with a couple of issues.
There are going to be a lot of people that have no idea what I am
talking about, so I have provided a lot of my documentation in this
The first hint that led me to believe that Joseph Smith married
the wives of other men was in a speech given by Jedidiah Grant on
February 19, 1854. (See Journal of Discourses, vol. 2, pg. 14)
Imagine yourself listening to a sermon by the second counselor
of the Prophet:
"I would ask you if Jehovah has not in all ages tried His people
by the power of Lucifer and his associates; and on the other hand,
has He not tried them and proved them by His Prophets? Did the
Lord actually want Abraham to kill Isaac? Did the Prophet Joseph
want every man's wife he asked for? He did not, but in that thing
was the grand thread of the Priesthood developed. The grand object
in view was to try the people of God, to see what was in them.
If such a man of God should come to me and say, "I want your gold
and silver, or your wives," I should say, "Here they are, I wish
I had more to give you, take all I have got."
There are a couple of ways that you could interpret this sermon.
First, you could say that Joseph Smith never asked such things,
but this has been verified by reliable accounts, including one of
Heber C.Kimball (Stanley Kimball, "Mormon Patriarch and Pioneer",
University of Illinois Press, 1981, pg.93). The second foreseeable
argument is that this was only a "test".
In this lengthy article I will attempt to show that Joseph Smith
not only asked for the wives of married men, but that he actually
married them both for "time" and "eternity". Some may then argue
that Joseph never consummated the relationships. This may be difficult
for me to prove, but I will make an effort at it.
Going back to Jeridiah's speech. He alluded to the story of Isaac
and Abraham when Abraham was going to sacrifice his son (Genesis
Think about it - "Would there have been a threat to Isaac if Abraham
did not have a knife to slay his son? Would Isaac have been in jeopardy
if his father had not bound him?" In my opinion, there would have
been no test if there wasn't the possibility that Isaac could have
been killed.
Now I pose a similar question "How could Joseph be testing men
if there was not the knowledge that he had already married other
men's wives?" In my opinion, the threat of Joseph marring another
man's wife was real -- Joseph had married the wives of other men!
This I intend to show to you beyond any reasonable doubt.
In my attempt to show that Joseph married other men's wives I
will use some "anti" Mormon sources. But, because I realize that
my Mormon audience will likely ignore these sources I will keep
them to a minimum.
It's very interesting to note that it was the apostates and non-Mormons
that showed that Joseph Smith practiced polygamy during the early
years of the church. At this time, the LDS Church and Joseph Smith
denied the practice, yet now, almost everyone knows that Joseph
had plural wives. At that time there was truth to the apostate's
statements and there is truth to their statements today.
Josephin moniavioisia vaimoja
Lucinda Pendelton Morgan Harris |
S. 27.9.1801
Toinen aviomies: George Washington Harris 12.1.1831
Ensimmäinen aviomies: kuuluisa vapaamuurarien menojen paljastaja
ja 1828 murhattu William Morgan
Joseph Smith avioitui todennäköisesti Lucindan kanssa
v. 1838, kun hän asui Harrisien kodissa Far Westissä (History
of the Church, vol. 3, pg. 9). Tätä tukee rouva Sarah
Prattin lausunto: "Rouva Harris oli nainut rouva, erittäin
hyvä ystäväni. Kun Joseph oli yrittänyt inhottavalla
tavalla vietellä minut [1842], menin rouva Harrisin luo keventämään
suruani hänelle. Hämmästykseni oli rajaton, kun hän
sanoi, nauraen sydämellisesti: 'Kuinka typerä oletkaan!
Minähän olen ollut hänen rakastajattrensa neljän
vuoden ajan'." (Mormon Portraits, 1886, p. 60)
Prescindia Huntington Buell |
S. 7.9.1810
Aviomies: Norman Buell 1837
Utahin kirkon historioitsija Andrew Jensen antaa Prescindian ja
Josephin avioitumisen päivämääräksi 11.12.1841.
Prescindian veli toimitti vihkimisen. V. 1846 Prescindia jätti
Normanin ja avioitui myöhemmin Heber C. Kimballin kanssa. (No
Man Knows My History, Fawn Brodie, p. 462)
Jotkut voivat väittää, ettei Joseph koskaan täyttänyt
aviovelvollisuuttaan Prescindian kanssa. Hänen poikansa Oliver
saattaa kuitenkin olla Josephin poika. Huntingtonin perhe piti Oliveria
profeetan poikana, joka sinetöitiin Josephiin. Päiväkirjan
kohdassa 14.11.1884, joka koskee Oliver Huntingtonia, sanotaan:
"Sitten olin profeetta Joseph Smithin sijaisena, kun sisareni Prescindian
lapsi, jonka hän sai asuessaan Norman Buellin kanssa, adoptoitiin
tai sinetöitiin [Joseph Smithiin].
Nancy Marinda Johnson Hyde |
S. 28.6.1815
Husband: Orson Hyde 4.9.1834
Joseph opetti Nancylle moniavioisuuden periaatteen todennäköisesti
silloin, kun Orson Hyde oli lähetystyössä Palestiinassa.
V. 1841 Nancylle annettiin Josephin kautta suora ilmoitus, jonka
mukaan hänen piti "ottaa vaarin palvelijani Josephin neuvoista
kaikissa asioissa, mitä hän hänelle sitten opettaakin."
History of the Church, vol. 4, pg. 467
Nancyn lapsista kaksi on voinut olla Josephin siittämiä.
Poika Frank Henry esimerkiksi syntyi 23.1.1845. Orson Hyde oli lähtenyt
lähetystyömatkalle Washingtoniin 4.4.1844 "välittömästi"
tavattuaan Joseph Smithin. History of the Church, pg. 286
Raskausaika on keskimäärin 266 päivää
(ei aivan 9 kuukautta). Tietenkin tuo luku on keskimääräinen
ja vaihtelee. Vain 4% raskauksista jatkuu kaksi viikkoa tai pidempään
tuon keskimääräisen ajan ohi. Guttmacher, 1983
Frank Henry syntyi siis 23.1.1845. Orson Hyde lähti Washingtoniin
4.4.1844. Aikaero näiden kahden päivämäärän
välillä on 294 päivää melkein kuukauden
odotettua pidempi ja todennäköisesti fysiologisesti mahdoton
varsinkin kun otetaan huomioon, ettei Orson Hyde ollut palannut
Nauvooseen ennen kuin vasta 6.8.1844. Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology,
August 6, 1844
Zina Diantha Huntington Jacobs |
S. 31.1.1821
Aviomies: Henry B. Jacobs 7.3.1841
Joseph Smith was married to Zina shortly after her marriage to
Henry Jacobs. Zina has been recorded as saying, "I wish to bear
my testimony to the principle of celestial marriage, that it is
true ... I became [Joseph's] wife at this time in Nauvoo and I never
in my life had a rebellious thought against that principle, for
which I thank the Lord." (Collected Discourses, vol. 5, Joseph
F. Smith, December 23, 1894)
Statements written by apostates strengthen this evidence. For
instance, John D. Lee wrote that "I then took a tour down through
Illinois [winter 1842]. H.B. Jacobs accompanied me as a fellow companion
on the way. Jacobs was bragging about his wife, what a true, virtuous,
lovely woman she was. He almost worshipped her. Little did he think
that in his absence she was sealed to Prophet Joseph" (Mormonism
Unveiled, p 132, "anti"). William Hall's statement in his book supported
this statement further: " A Mr. Henry Jacobs had his wife seduced
by Joe Smith, in his time, during a mission to England." (The Abominations
of Mormonism Exposed, pg. 43-44, "anti").
Zina ei jättänyt Jacobsia ennen kuin v. 1846, mikä
merkitsee sitä, että Joseph Smith meni naimisiin jo avioituneen
naisen kanssa.
Lisätietoa löytyy Zinan päiväkirjasta: "All
Things Move in Order in the City": The Nauvoo Diary of Zina
Diantha Huntington Jacobs, Edited by Maureen Ursenbach Beecher,
BYU Studies, Vol. 19, No. 3, p.285.
Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner |
S. 9.4.1818
Aviomies: Adam Lightner 11.8.1835
Mary admitted her marriage to Joseph Smith in a public address.
She said in part, "I am the first being that the revelation was
given to him for and I was one thousand miles away in Missouri,
for we went up to Jackson County in 1841 ..... I went forward and
was sealed to him. Brigham young performed the sealing, and Heber
C. Kimball the blessing. I know he had six wives and I have known
some of them from childhood up. I knew he had three children. They
told me. I think two are living today, but they are not known as
his children as they go by other names." (Mary Lightner, 1905 Address,
typescript, BYU, Pg. 2-3)
In another statement Mary Lightner said, "Joseph said I was his
before I came here and he said all the Devils in Hell should never
get me from him. I was sealed to him in the Masonic Hall, over the
old brick store by Brigham Young in February 1842 and then again
in the Nauvoo Temple by Heber C. Kimball." (Original sworn affidavit
owned by Mrs. Nell Osborne of Salt Lake City, February 8, 1902).
S. 4.2.1795
Husband: David Sessions 28.6.1812
Patty Sessions was sealed to Joseph Smith on March 9, 1842 as indicated
by her personal journal entry, "I was sealed to Joseph Smith by
Willard Richards March 9, 1842, in Newel K. Whitney's chamber, Nauvoo,
for time and all eternity ...."
S. 8.11.1787
Husband: Roswell Murray 1832
Brigham Young reported the marriage of his sister to Joseph Smith
in the Journal of Discourse: "As far as this pertains to our natural
lives here, there are some who say it is very hard. They say, 'This
is rather a hard business; I don't like my husband to take a plurality
of wives in the flesh.' Just a few words upon this. We would believe
this doctrine entirely different from what it is presented to us,
if we could do so. If we could make every man upon the earth get
him a wife, live righteously and serve God, we would not be under
necessity, perhaps, of taking more than one wife. But they will
not do this; the people of God, therefore, have been commanded to
take more wives. The women are entitled to salvation if they live
according to the word that is given to them .... I recollect a sister
conversing with Joseph Smith on this subject.... Joseph said, 'Sister,
you talk very foolishly, you do not know what you will want.' He
then said to me [B.Y.]: 'Here, brother Brigham you seal this lady
to me.' I sealed her to him. This was my own sister according to
the flesh." (Journal of Discourses, vol. 16, pg. 166-167).
The marriage ceremony occurred on November 2, 1843 according to
Andrew Jenson, LDS Church Historian. (No Man Knows My History, Fawn
Brodie, pg. 484, "anti").
Moniavioisuus oli vastoin lakia
Moniavioisuus oli vastoin lakia Illinoisissa. Tämä Illinoisin
osavaltion laki pantiin täytäntöön 12.2.1833:
"Bigamy consists in the having of two wives or two husbands
at one and the same time, knowing that the former husband or wife
is still alive. If any person or persons within the State, being
married, or who shall hereafter marry, do at any time marry any
person or persons, the former husband or wife being alive, the
person so offended shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by
a fine, not exceeding one thousand dollars, and imprisoned in
the penitentiary, not exceeding two years." (Revised Laws of Illinois,
Vandalia: Greiner & Sherman, 1833, pg. 198-199).
Moniavioisuus oli vastoin oppeja ja liittoja
Opin ja Liittojen kirjan ensimmäinen laitos (1835) sisälsi
seuraavan luvun myöhempien aikojen pyhien avioiitoista:
"Inasmuch as this Church of Christ has been reproached with the
crime of fornication and polygamy, we declare that we believe
that one man should have one wife, and one woman but one husband,
except in the case of death, when either is at liberty to marry
(History of the Church, vol. 2, pg. 247. Tämä
luku oli mukana jokaisessa Opin ja Liittojen kirjan painoksessa
aina vuoteen 1876, jolloin luku 132 liitettiin siihen).
One of the best books on the subject is Mormon
Polygamy: A History by Richard S. Van Wagoner, Signature
Books, Salt Lake City, 1989, 2nd edition.
Another source which may be helpful is Dialogue: A Journal
of Mormon Thought, vol. 29, No. 2 "A Trajectory of Plurality:
An Overview of Joseph Smith's Thirty-three Plural Wives".
Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, vol. 27, No.1, Spring
1994 "Nauvoo Roots of Mormon Polygamy, 1841-46: A Preliminary Demographic
Report" by George D. Smith. pp.1-72.