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John Taylorin lyhyt elämäkerta

Tämä teksti on Brigham Youngin yliopistoon kuuluvan Joseph Fielding Smithin instituutin sivulta.

Tekstissä mainitaan nimeltä ne seitsemän naista, jotka olivat sinetöityjä Tayloriin, kaikki ennen vuotta 1850, sekä noista liitoista syntyneet lapset. Suhteet olivat siis luonteeltaan seksuaalisuhteita eivätkä hengellisiä liittoja, mikä tekee niistä todella moniavioisia. Elämäkerrassa dokumentoidaan myös Taylorin saapuminen Boulogneen, Ranskaan 18.6.1850, jolloin hän aloitti siellä kolmannen Euroopan-lähetystyönsä.

Taylor, John.
James ja Agnes Taylorin poika, s. 1.11.1808, Milnthorpe, Westmoreland County, Englanti.
Liittyi metodistikirkkoon n. 1823; sittemmin nimitetty saarnaajaksi.
Siirtolaisena Torontoon, Kanadaan 1828-29.
Avioitui Leonora Cannonin kanssa (s. 1796, Isle of Man) 28.1.1833, Toronto. Neljä lasta: George John, Mary Ann, Joseph James ja Leonora Agnes.
Kastettu mormoniksi 9.5.1836 (kasteen suoritti Parley P. Pratt), ja asetettu pian sen jälkeen vanhimmaksi. Kävi Kirtlandissä maaliskuussa 1837. Asetettu ylipappeuteen 21.8.1837. Nimitetty jumalallisen ilmoituksen kautta 8.7.1838 tulevaksi apostoliksi.
Muutti Missouriin syksyllä 1838. Asetettu apostoliksi 19.12.1838 Far Westissä, Missourissa. Located temporarily in Quincy, Illinois, 1839. Accompanied others of Twelve to Far West, Missouri, 26 April 1838. Located family at Montrose, Iowa, 1839.
Mission to England 1839-41. Left Montrose 8 August 1839. Arrived Liverpool 11 January 1840. Left Liverpool for United States 20 April 1841.
Arrived in Nauvoo 1 July 1841. Elected member of Nauvoo City Council and Nauvoo Legion, and regent of Nauvoo University. Appointed associate editor of the Times and Seasons 3 February 1842.
Initiated into Masonry 22 April 1842.
Editor-in-chief of Times and Seasons 1842-1846.
Editor and proprietor of Nauvoo Neighbor May 1843-October 1845.
Received endowment 28 September 1843.
Sealed to Elizabeth Kaighin 12 December 1843. Three children: Josephine, Thomas Edward, and Arthur Bruce.
Sealed to Jane Ballantyne 25 February 1844. Three children: Richard James, Annie Maria, and David John.
Member of Council of Fifty 10 March 1844.
Accompanied Prophet to Carthage Jail June 1844. Received four balls into body from guns of mob 27 June 1844.
Sealed to Mary Ann Oakley April 1845. Five children: Henry Edgar, Mary Elizabeth, Brigham John, Ida Oakley, and Ezra Oakley.
Nauvoo Temple sealing to Leonora Cannon 7 January 1846.
Nauvoo Temple sealing to Elizabeth Kaighin (born 1811 in Isle of Man) 14 January 1846.
Nauvoo Temple sealing to Jane Ballantyne (born 1813 in Scotland) 14 January 1846.
Nauvoo Temple sealing to Mary Ann Oakley (born 1826 in New York) 14 January 1846.
Nauvoo Temple sealing to Mary Rainsbottom (born 1826 in England) 23 January 1846.
Nauvoo Temple sealing for time to Lydia Dibble 30 January 1846.
Left Nauvoo for West in spring of 1846. To Winter Quarters 1846.
Mission to England 1846-47. Arrived in England 3 October 1846.
Sealed to Sophia Whitaker (born 1825 in England) 23 April 1847 at Winter Quarters. Seven children: Harriet Ann Whitaker, James Whitaker, Hyrum Whitaker, John Whitaker, Helena Whitaker, Moses Whitaker, and Frederick Whitaker.
To Salt Lake Valley in fall of 1847.
Sealed to Harriet Whitaker (born 1825 in England) 4 December 1847 in Salt Lake Valley. Three children: Sophia Elizabeth, William Whitaker, and John.
Elected associate judge of provisional State of Deseret 12 March 1849.
Called on mission to France October 1849. Arrived in Liverpool 27 May 1850. Arrived in Boulogne, France, 18 June 1850. Left England for United States 6 March 1852.
Arrived in Salt Lake City 20 August 1852.
Appointed to preside over branches of Church in eastern states and publish paper 1854.
Sealed to Margaret Young (born 1837 in Connecticut) 26 September 1856 in Salt Lake City. Nine children: Ebenezer Young, Frank Young, Leonora Young, Robert Young, Maggie Young, Nephi Young, Mary Young, Abraham Young, and Samuel Young.
Published The Mormon in New York City February 1855-May 1857.
Returned to Salt Lake City 7 August 1857.
Member of Utah Territorial Legislature 1857-76.
Speaker of house for five successive sessions, beginning 1857.
Probate judge of Utah County 1868-70.
Elected territorial superintendent of district schools in Utah 1877.
Elected director of ZCMI 7 October 1877.
Elected president of ZCMI 5 October 1883.
President of Church 10 October 1880-25 July 1887.
Died at Kaysville, Davis County, Utah, 25 July 1887.


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